Tuesday, February 23, 2010

God Bless a boy and his sister

Andre playing super hero last night ran through the living room from the kitchen.. only to scream "ow it hurts" holding his neck and crumbling to the floor. He did not want to move, and anytime I tried to move him he screamed.

He spent the rest of the evening on the floor in the same position, at bedtime he refused to change his shirt or take off his coat. I convinced him to put on his PJ bottoms, and eventually was able to carry him to my bed where he slept in one position all night, at least he slept. He woke only when he coughed which made him cry in pain.

Morning arrived with Andre still unwilling to sit up or walk. Here is how the rest of the day went:

Straightening Grace's hair I burn her forehead, I lost my patience with Grace spending time getting Zoe, her doll ready and not herself! I have to force Andre screaming in pain into his car seat to get Grace to school on time! Which Grace kindly reminds us that she cannot be late anymore! I get to car line... the last car... God Bless Mr. Woosley who let Grace out last in car line. I was crying, she was crying and Andre was crying, we were a sight to see!

I call everyone and their brother that I had meetings or appointments with today to cancel, hoping Andre will get better. No such luck... until we show up at the Pediatrician's office, who he sat up for with a little assistance and by the end of the appointment walked out! What just happened? Whatever it was I am grateful!

We still have time to surprise Grace for lunch, maybe I can redeem myself as a mommy, not the screaming, stressed out mommy that even I hate! Grace was so happy to see us, mostly she was happy to see Andre walking and moving around without screaming.

We survived gymnastics, dinner, and bath time with no events other than some laughs.

At storytime and bedtime, I had to laugh at my little boy that only 24 hours before I was worried sick about, was jumping on his bed, and standing on his head with his feet on the wall the entire time I was reading books to both of them.

As I checked on them shortly after they both had fallen asleep I thought to myself. God love that boy.. as long as he is able he will goof around until he crashes... my boy is back.. Amen and God bless his sister that walked into her school today crying for her little brother and hurt by her grouchy mother.. to walk out smiling with forgiveness and a hug at the end of the day. And God give their mommy more patience and trust in You through the struggles as little as they may be.

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